Alcyone Meredith Scott

October 25, 1939 - May 4, 2024

Alcyone (Meredith) Scott, PhD
October 25, 1939 - May 4, 2024

Alcyone Meredith Scott, PhD, 84 of Fremont
Died May 4 at Pathfinder Place in Fremont, Nebraska

Alcyone Meredith Scott (Dr. Scott) was born October 25, 1939 to Meredith Lewis and Ernest Peck Scott of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, baby sister to Ellen, Ernest, and Marvin. Being the last of four children must have helped develop her sharp wit, irreverence and other endearing qualities. She enjoyed recounting childhood tales of being spoiled by her father, instigating mischief, participating in sibling rivalry and tagging along with her mother to visit shut-ins. She admired her teachers at Cleveland Lutheran High School. Most summers throughout her life were spent in Michigan with family which eventually grew to include 22 nieces and nephews. ''Aunt Alcy'' adored them all. She loved walking the lane down to the lake and was famous for her jam and blueberry pies, both made over a kerosene stove. Her summers also included time in Wisconsin entertaining friends and neighbors at her cottage, what had once been the boys' dorm of a summer arts camp.

Alcyone earned her undergraduate degree in English and Humanities from Wittenberg University in Ohio, then her Master's and PhD in History of Culture from the University of Chicago. After college, she worked with the Lutheran church in West Berlin, Germany, engaging youth in activities to keep them off the streets. A high point during this time was assisting Martin Luther King, Jr. navigate Checkpoint Charlie to give his speech in East Berlin in 1964. Upon her return to the United States, and much to her mother's chagrin, she lived in New York City for a year working for Doubleday Books. In 1966, she moved to Fremont, Nebraska to begin what would be a 45-year teaching career at Midland Lutheran College (now Midland University).

Alcyone was passionate about the transformative power of a liberal arts education and co-founded a course called ''Odyssey in the Human Spirit,'' serving as its founding director. For decades this course served as the cornerstone for Midland's liberal arts coursework, and Alcyone could be seen giving the Queen Elizabeth I presentation (in costume, of course). She taught numerous other courses, including World Literature, Theology and Literature, Ethics in Literature, Ethics in Film, Russian Literature, and more. In 1987-1988, she took a sabbatical to teach at the University of Rostock in East Germany. Closer to home, she taught on the Winnebago reservation. A staunch supporter of Midland's mission, Alcyone was arguably the most regular attendee at Chapel. Alcyone sponsored several student organizations and served in numerous faculty leadership positions at Midland, including as Chair of the English Department and as Faculty Chair numerous times throughout her career. She was an active scholar, presenting papers regularly.

Alcyone enjoyed introducing students to the wonder of learning through travel and led numerous courses to China, India, Kenya and Tanzania, Brazil, Peru, the Baltics, Russia, Eastern Europe, Honduras, and more. She was one of the first faculty members to encourage service as part of the learning experience, leading service-learning courses both in the US and abroad. In 1987, Alcyone received the Zimmerman Distinguished Professor Award in recognition of her outstanding teaching and commitment to the Liberal Arts. She expected much from her students and herself - and both delivered.

While at Midland, Alcyone helped to start an English literacy program for the parents of students at Washington Elementary in Fremont and continued tutoring there for years into her retirement. After her retirement in 2011, Alcyone stayed active with the art department at Midland where she enjoyed working alongside students as she pursued her interest in ceramics. In 2018, Alcyone came out of retirement long enough to co-teach one last travel course in the Philippines. In a recent homecoming talk to alumni at Midland, she emphasized what a privilege and honor it had been that she had been allowed to teach for her career.

Alcyone's friends, colleagues, and students will remember that her little red house on D St. was always open and the warm hospitality received by all who entered.
Alcyone maintained membership in her childhood church throughout her lifetime, Messiah Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio. She joined Sinai Lutheran Church, Fremont, in 2002 where she sang in the choir and occasionally taught adult forums.

Alcyone is survived by 21 of her beloved nieces and nephews: Paul ''David'' (Julie) Ludwig, Mark (Cheryl) Ludwig, Meredith Ludwig, Eric (Nancy) Ludwig, ''Kim'' (Roger) Cronkright, Anne (Lance) Taylor, Charles Ludwig, Elizabeth Fanning, Meg (Douglas) Shipp, Sally (Patrick) Sabo, Katie (Terry) Scott, Ellen Scott-Ioakimedes, Hans Scott, Barbara (Michael) Kapp, Steven (Julie) Scott, Martha Scott, Susan ''Godsy'' (Michael) Nemeth, Robert ''Bob'' (Julie ) Scott, Andrew ''Andy'' (Heather) Scott, Patrick (Amber) Scott, and Christy (Jay) Cashman, and many colleagues and dear friends.

Alcyone was preceded in death by her parents, sister Ellen Ludwig, brothers Ernest Scott and Marvin Scott, and nephew David Bruce Ludwig.

A world traveler in life, Alcyone is now free of these earthly bonds and holding court and occasionally making mischief somewhere in the great beyond.

In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be directed to Midland University Humanities Department or to the Dodge County Humane Society in honor of Misha, Alcyone's beloved, loyal feline companion of two decades.

A celebration of her life will be held June 22, 2024 beginning at 4:00 pm at Sinai Lutheran Church, Fremont, Nebraska.

Online guestbook at

Obituary Provided By:
Freeman Funeral Home
1249 E. 23rd St.
Fremont, NE  68025